Earn money online by making short videoes! Make money with Moj app | How to earn money online with Moj app?
Hi, in this post, I will tell you about - "How to earn money online by making short videoes with Moj app"
In this post, I will cover most important points of Moj app! But first, I am telling you before everything that earning money online by making short videoes with Moj app is not easy.
I mean, it takes too many time to make money in Moj app. But when you start earning, you can earn upto 1lacs per month!
So, are you readyyyyyyyyyy?
Let's start with "What is Moj app"
Moj is alternative of Tiktok. In Moj app, you can watch or make short videoes. You can search for peoples or videos. You can get entertained with Moj app.
And as you are getting entertained, you can also get riched! Means one bullet(Moj app) taked two enemies ( getting entertained and rich).
How to use Moj app?
Follow given steps for using Moj app.
• Download Moj app from play store by clicking here.
• Open the app and choose any language that works for you.
• You will redirected to main screen/home screen. You can see a menu in bottom, click on all of the options and allow all the permissions.
• Now click on Profile option and sign-up with Facebook, Google or Phone number.
As you can see in the above image, I mentioned some of the main tabs and options of Moj app for earning money.
• First, as you can see your main section of profile in the top. Where you can see your stats like following, followers and etc.
• Second option is edit profile. Edit profile is most important section of your profile for earning money.
Let's see how to setup profile.
• Click on edit profile option in profile section.
• From first option, you can change your profile picture.
• From second option, you can change your I'd name.
• From third option, you can change your username.
• From fourth option, you can edit your bio.
• Other options are not mandatory but may effect your earnings.